In 1910, Karl Kuum, a Methodist preacher began regular preaching in Rakvere, in an apartment of Rajaste family. More and more people came to attend those meetings and in 1914, in Rakvere a branch of Tapa Methodist Church was formed. Later a piece of property was bought at Laada Street and building of the church started. In 1929, the building was finished and in spite of bullets and shrapnels of World War II, the church building is still there.
There are weekly worship services, prayer meetings and Bible study classes in Rakvere Methodist Church. For children there are Sunday school classes. There is a project-based chamber choir in the church. The church is actively engaged in welfare and organizes events for the children of large low-income families. All age groups, children as well as elderly are involved in church activities. Together they clean church and church’s yard at communal working days and celebrate church anniversaries.
The church is supporting missionary work by taking up monthly collections for missionary work among Finno-Ugric peoples.
44310 Rakvere
Lääne-Viru maakond
Bank account
IBAN: EE381010502001275005
Services and events
Su 10:00 Sunday school for 0-9 years olds and at 12:00 9+ and older
Youth sevice info on Facebook: EMKRakverekogudus
K 16:30 Prayer and Bible study (from Sept. to May)