EMKTS ja Tallinna inglisekeelse osaduse misjonär

Douglas Childress is originally from the United States of America and he serves EMC as a missionary. He works at Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary at an academic position. Douglas has studied business, law and theology in USA and he has been working as a pastor since 2006. Douglas is married, his wife is Külli Tõniste…

Tallinna eestikeelse koguduse pastor

Joel Aulis has graduated from Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary and he was ordained as a pastor in 2015. Joel is married with Lemme and they have two sons and two daughters. Joel likes taking pictures in wild areas and picking mushrooms. He also likes sports, and his favorite sports are basketball and volleyball.

Reeküla ja Tallinna koguduse pastor

Hindrek Taavet Taimla teenib Reeküla kogudust pastorina alates 2020. aastast ja Tallinna kogudust alates 2022. aastast. Taavet õpetab EMK Teoloogilises Seminaris. Ta on abielus Veronikaga ning neil on kaks tütar.


Robert Tscherenkov serves EMC as superintendent since July 2018. He was born on 20th of May 1979 in Tallinn. He became a local preacher in 1995. He received theological education in Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma in USA, from which he graduated in 2002. Since 2005, he is an ordained elder in EMC. For…